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የአማራ ግብርና ምርምር ኢንስቲትዩት በ2016 በጀት አመት 86 የምርምር ምክረ-ሀሳቦችንን እና ቴክኖሎጅዎች ማውጣቱን አስታወቀ

Date: 2024-09-28

የአማራ ግብርና ምርምር ኢንስቲትዩት በ2016 በጀት አመት 86 የምርምር ምክረ-ሀሳቦችንን እና ቴክኖሎጅዎች ማውጣቱን አስታወቀ የአማራ ግብርና ምርምር ኢንስቲትዩት በ2016 በጀት አመት 86 የምርምር ምክረ-ሀሳቦችንን እና ቴክኖሎጅዎች ማውጣቱን አስታወቀ

ኢንስቲትዩቱ የ2016 በጀት አመት የስራ አፈጻጸም ግምገማ እና የ2017 በጀት አመት እቅድ ትውውቅ መድረክ ያካሄደ ሲሆን የኢንስቲትዩቱ ምክትል ዋና ዳይሬክተር ዶ/ር ሊቃውንት ይኸይስ ኢንስቲትዩቱ በ2016 በጀት አመት ያለው ነባራዊ ሁኔታ ባቀድነው ልክ የምርምር ስራዎችን ለመፈጸም እክል ቢሆንብንም ያሉ አማራጮችን ሁሉ በመጠቀም የምርምር ስራዎችን ለመስራት ጥረት ተደርጓል ብለዋል፡፡ በዚህም በበጀት አመቱ በሰብል፣ በእንስሳት፣ በአፈርና ውሃ፣ በደን፣ በቴክኖሎጅ ብዜትና ዘር ምርምር፣ በማህበራዊ ምጣኔ ሀብትና ስርጸት፣ በምግብ ሳይንስና ድህረ ምርት አያያዝ ምርምር ዘርፎች 628 የምርምር ሙከራዎችን ለማከናወን ታቅዶ 526 ሙከራዎችን መስራት መቻሉን የገለጹት ዶ/ር ሊቃውንት ከዚህ ውስጥ 109 የምርምር ቴክኖሎጅዎችንና ምክረ-ሀሳቦችን ለማውጣት ታቅዶ 86 ቴክኖሎጅ/ ምክረሀሳብ ማውጣት ተችሏል ብለዋል፡፡ በመድረኩ የ2017 በጀት አመት እቅድ ትውውቅ የተደረገ ሲሆን በሁሉም የምርምር ዘርፎች 637 የምርምር ሙከራዎችን ለማከናወን እና 111 የምርምር ቴክኖሎጅዎችንና ምክረ-ሀሳቦችን ለማውጣት መታቀዱም ተገልጿል፡፡ የምግብ ስርዓት ማጠናከሪያ ፕሮግራም(FSRP) ፕሮጀክት የምርምር ስራዎች ውጤታማ እንዲሆኑ ከፍተኛ የፋይናንስ እገዛ ማድረጉም በመድረኩ ተጠቅሷል፡፡

Our Projects

Food System Resilience Program (FSRP)

Donor: World Bank

Project period: 2023 ~ 2029

Program manager: Adebabay Kebede (PhD)

Climate Action Through Landscape Management (CALM P4R)

Donor: World Bank

Project period: 2019 ~ 2025

More on Projects





Manuals & Brochures


Agricultural Research for Food System Resilience in Ethiopia: Bridging Peace, Stability, and Sustainable Growth

Agricultural research plays a pivotal role in strengthening food system resilience in Ethiopia by improving crop yields, diversifying production, and introducing climate-smart practices. These advancements not only boost food security but also provide stability in regions prone to conflict and environmental challenges. In areas affected by instability, agricultural research is vital for developing strategies that help communities adapt and recover, ensuring sustainable food systems. However, the success of these efforts depends on peace and stability, as ongoing conflict undermines research initiatives and their potential benefits for local farmers and consumers.

Author: Solomon Abate Mekonnen

Date: 2024-09-27 55:27:22

Enhancing Research Publishing: New Digital Journal Management System

The Amhara Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI) is proud to introduce its new Digital Journal Management System, designed to streamline the process of tracking submissions and publications. This advanced system offers a seamless experience for authors, reviewers, and editors, ensuring that every step of the publication process is efficient and transparent. By adopting this digital solution, ARARI aims to foster a more organized and accessible platform for research publishing, ultimately advancing the dissemination of vital agricultural research.

Author: Solomon Abate Mekonnen

Date: 2024-05-24 10:24:01

ARARI Revolutionizes Research Engagement with Innovative Digital System

The Amhara Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI) is transforming its research operations by implementing a cutting-edge digital system. This innovative platform aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural research, streamline data management, and foster seamless communication among researchers. By embracing digital technology, ARARI is poised to accelerate scientific discoveries and ensure sustainable agricultural development in the region.

Author: Solomon Abate Mekonnen

Date: 2024-05-24 50:24:09

Agricultural Research for Food System Resilience in Ethiopia: Bridging Peace, Stability, and Sustainable Growth

Agricultural research plays a pivotal role in strengthening food system resilience in Ethiopia by improving crop yields, diversifying production, and introducing climate-smart practices. These advancements not only boost food security but also provide stability in regions prone to conflict and environmental challenges. In areas affected by instability, agricultural research is vital for developing strategies that help communities adapt and recover, ensuring sustainable food systems. However, the success of these efforts depends on peace and stability, as ongoing conflict undermines research initiatives and their potential benefits for local farmers and consumers.

Author: Solomon Abate Mekonnen

Date: 2024-09-27 55:27:22

Enhancing Research Publishing: New Digital Journal Management System

The Amhara Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI) is proud to introduce its new Digital Journal Management System, designed to streamline the process of tracking submissions and publications. This advanced system offers a seamless experience for authors, reviewers, and editors, ensuring that every step of the publication process is efficient and transparent. By adopting this digital solution, ARARI aims to foster a more organized and accessible platform for research publishing, ultimately advancing the dissemination of vital agricultural research.

Author: Solomon Abate Mekonnen

Date: 2024-05-24 10:24:01

ARARI Revolutionizes Research Engagement with Innovative Digital System

The Amhara Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI) is transforming its research operations by implementing a cutting-edge digital system. This innovative platform aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural research, streamline data management, and foster seamless communication among researchers. By embracing digital technology, ARARI is poised to accelerate scientific discoveries and ensure sustainable agricultural development in the region.

Author: Solomon Abate Mekonnen

Date: 2024-05-24 50:24:09

Important Links Our address Collaboration & Partnership
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research

BoA, Amhara

Ministry of Agriculture





Ethiopian Statistical Services (ESS)

EFWPDA, Amhara


Food System Resilience Program (FSRP)

Climate Action Through Landscape Management (CALM)

Resilient Agriculture for Inclusive and Sustainable Ethiopian Food Systems (RAISE-FS)

International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)

Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

International Potato Center (CIP)
Important Links

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research

BoA, Amhara

Ministry of Agriculture





Ethiopian Statistical Services (ESS)

EFWPDA, Amhara

Researchers Email
Our address
Collaboration & Partnership

Sponsored by: FSRP 2024 Amhara Agricultural Research Institute Powered by: KUKUNET digital