Publisher: ARARI
ISSN (Online): 2617-5053
ISSN (Print): 2617-5054
Submit your research
About Journal
Editorial Board
Currrent Issue

Authors Guidelines

About the Journal:

The Blue Nile Journal of Agricultural Research (BNJAR) is an open-access official journal of the Amhara Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI). The journal is published twice a year in English in both print (optional) and online versions, which are available for free. The journal emphasizes regular full-length research articles; however, review articles and short communications on agricultural research are also welcome. All articles publishable in BNJAR are peer-reviewed.

  1. Publisher: Amhara Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI)
  2. Abbreviation: BNJAR
  3. Year of establishment: 2019
  4. Open access/Hard-copy/ both. Specify: Both open access and hard-copy
  5. If open access, write webpage:
  6. ISSN/eISSN. Specify: ISSN: 2617-5053 (Online) and 2617-5045 (Print)
  7. Issues/Year: Two issues per year

Regular Full-length Research Articles:

These should describe new and carefully confirmed findings, and experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail for others to verify the work. The length of a regular full-length research article should be the minimum required to describe and clearly interpret the work.

Short Communication Articles:

A Short Communication Article is suitable for recording the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, techniques, or apparatus. The style of the main sections need not conform to that of full-length regular research articles. Short communications are 2 to 4 printed pages (about 6 to 12 manuscript pages) in length.

Review Articles:

Submissions of reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged. Reviews are required to be concise but need to be long enough to describe and interpret the review work.


The owner of the copyright of all articles published in BNJAR is the publisher, Amhara Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI). In cases where the work cannot copyright (works authored solely by government employees as part of their employment duties), this requirement is not enforced. Reproduction of all or a portion of a Blue Nile Journal of Agricultural Research (BNJAR) article by anyone except authors is prohibited unless and otherwise permission is received from BNJAR. Authors have the right to reproduce extracts from the paper with proper acknowledgement and keep the right to any patentable subject material that might be contained in the article.

ISSN Print/Online: 2617-5045/2617-5053

Submission/Contact details of BNJAR:

Scope of the journal:

BNJAR publishes original articles on applied and basic research in all aspects of agriculture with emphasis on crop sciences, plant sciences, genetics, plant breeding, agronomy, plant physiology, phytopathology, crop protection, agricultural entomology, weed science, biotechnology, tissue culture, horticulture, crop modeling, animal sciences, animal breeding and genetics, animal husbandry, veterinary science, veterinary epidemiology, animal feeds and nutrition, apiculture, aquaculture, limnology, fishery, soil science, soil fertility management, hydrology, sedimentology, soil and water conservation, irrigation, water use, ecology, climatology, forestry, agroforestry, silviculture, agricultural engineering, agricultural mechanization, post-harvest technology, food science, food processing, gastronomy, nutrition, agricultural economics, resource economics, agricultural extension science, rural sociology, climate change research, environmental sciences, geographical information system, statistics, gender issue in agriculture.

Editorial Board and Chief Editor:

The editorial board consists of scientists who are assigned by the Director General (DG) and Deputy Director General (DDG) of ARARI. Chief and associate editors are experienced scientists and are members of the editorial board. Chief and associate editors conduct preliminary assessments of the submitted articles to check whether they are acceptable for further review. Each article acceptable in preliminary review is channeled to the respective two to three editorial board members or to particular reviewers who have expertise in the area of the submitted article. Chief and associate editors finally decide on the acceptance of the article based on the reviewers’ assessments. They also make sure that all the relevant comments are incorporated before final acceptance and publication.